Large Wood Burning Fireplace
Add natural elegance to any room with Regency's largest portrait style wood fireplace. Designed to showcase the dynamic ambiance of a wood burning fire, the Regency Alterra CF780 is a magnificent and captivating focal point.
CF780 Wood Burning Fireplace Key Features:
- Easy to use: no air adjustment needed - load it and leave it!
- Over 700 sq. inches of fire viewing area
- Customize the look by choosing from contemporary or traditional brick panels
- Clean edge finish puts the focus directly on the fire
- Guillotine style door slides into the chase
- Integrated safety screen can be pulled down when required, or discreetly hidden out of sight
- Stylish removable wooden door tool with strap
- Heavy gauge steel log retainers
- Designed to fit perfectly on any wall, including corners
- Door has been designed for cleaning and complete serviceability
- Outside air and flue damper can be closed when not in use, preventing cold air from coming into your home
- Approved to use with gas logs
- Top vent with standard 8 inch pipe
Limited Lifetime Warranty
FPI Fireplace Products International Ltd. (for Canadian customers) and Fireplace Products U.S., Inc. (for U.S.
customers) (collectively referred to herein as “FPI”) extends this Limited Lifetime Warranty to the original
purchaser of this appliance provided the product remains in the original place of installation. The items covered by
this limited warranty and the period of such coverage is set forth in the table below.
Some conditions apply (see below).
The policy is not transferable, amendable or negotiable under any circumstances.
CF780 Component Coverage
Components Covered Limited
year Warranty (Years)
Welded Firebox Steel 5
Operating tool and door latch assembly, (excluding
guillotine cables, bolts, screws, and slider hinge)
Guillotine door system/including guillotine cables,
guillotine hardware and slider hinge, stainless steel
Glass—Thermal Breakage Only 3
Vermiculite Smoke Chamber Panels 3
Flue Damper/Air Damper 2
Glass—Crazing 1
Screens 1
Warranty protects against defect in manufacture or FPI factory assembled components only, unless herein
specified otherwise.
Any part(s) found to be defective during the warranty period as outlined above will be repaired or replaced at FPI’s
option through an accredited distributor, dealer or pre-approved and assigned agent provided that the defective
part is returned to the distributor, dealer or agent for inspection if requested by FPI. Alternatively, FPI may at its
own discretion fully discharge all of its obligations under the warranty by refunding the verified purchase price of
the product to the original purchaser. The purchase price must be confirmed by the original Bill of Sale.
The authorized selling dealer, or an alternative authorized FPI dealer if pre-approved by FPI, is responsible for all
in-field diagnosis and service work related to all warranty claims. FPI is not responsible for results or costs of
workmanship of unauthorized FPI dealers or agents in the negligence of their service work.
At all times FPI reserves the right to inspect reported complaints on location in the field claimed to be defective
prior to processing or authorizing of any claim. Failure to allow this upon request will void the warranty.
All warranty claims must be submitted by the dealer servicing the claim, including a copy of the Bill of Sale (proof
of purchase by you). All claims must be complete and provide full details as requested by FPI to receive
consideration for evaluation. Incomplete claims may be rejected.
Replacement units are limited to one per warranty term. Unit must be installed according to all manufacturers’
instructions as per the manual.
48 | CF780 Wood Fireplace
Revision Date: June 2019 Regency Wood Products Warranty
All Local and National required codes must be met.
The installer is responsible to ensure the unit is operating as designed at the time of installation.
The original purchaser is responsible for annual maintenance of the unit, as outlined in the owner’s manual. As
outlined below, the warranty may be voided due to problems caused by lack of maintenance.
Repair/replacement parts purchased by the consumer from FPI after the original coverage has expired on the unit
will carry a 90 day warranty, valid with a receipt only. Any item shown to be defective will be repaired or replaced
at our discretion. No labor coverage is included with these parts.
This Limited Lifetime Warranty does not extend to rust or corrosion of any kind due to: a lack of maintenance or
improper venting, lack of combustion air provision, or exposure to corrosive chemicals (i.e. chlorine, salt, air, etc.).
This Limited Lifetime Warranty also does not extend to: paint, firebricks (rear, sides or bottom), door gasketing,
glass gasketing (or any other additional factory fitted gasketing), vermiculite floor bricks, andiron assemblies, and
flue damper rods.
Malfunction, damage or performance based issues as a result of environmental conditions, location, chemical
damages, downdrafts, installation error, installation by an unqualified installer, incorrect chimney components
(including but not limited to cap size or type), operator error, abuse, misuse, use of improper fuels (such as
unseasoned cordwood, mill-ends, construction lumber or debris, off-cuts, treated or painted lumber, metal or foil,
plastics, garbage, solvents, cardboard, coal or coal products, oil based products, waxed cartons, compressed premanufactured logs, kiln dried wood), lack of regular maintenance and upkeep, acts of God, weather related
problems from hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, floods, lightning strikes/bolts or acts of terrorism or war, which
result in malfunction of the appliance are not covered under the terms of this Limited Lifetime Warranty. The
venting/chimney is covered by the manufacturer of the chimney system.
FPI has no obligation to enhance or modify any unit once manufactured (i.e. as products evolve, field modifications
or upgrades will not be performed on existing appliances).
This warranty does not cover dealer travel costs for diagnostic or service work. All labor rates paid to authorized
dealers are subsidized, pre-determined rates. Dealers may charge homeowner for travel and additional time
beyond their subsidy.
Any unit showing signs of neglect or misuse will not be covered under the terms of this warranty policy and may
void this warranty. This includes units with rusted or corroded fireboxes which have not been reported as rusted or
corroded within three (3) months of installation/purchase.
Units which show evidence of being operated while damaged, or with problems known to the purchaser and
causing further damages will void this warranty.
Units where the serial no. has been altered, deleted, removed or made illegible will void this warranty.
Minor movement, expansion and contraction of the steel is normal and is not covered under the terms of this
FPI is not liable for the removal or replacement of facings or finishing in order to repair or replace any appliance in
the field.
Freight damages for products or parts are not covered under the terms of the warranty.
Products made or provided by other manufacturers and used in conjunction with the FPI appliance without prior
authorization from FPI may void this warranty.